5 Things you should know about Fertility Acupuncture

  1. It takes two to tango

It takes both a healthy sperm and a healthy egg to make a healthy baby. Most people think that fertility lies in the hands of the women, but it is simply not true. The diet, lifestyle, and habits of the man makes a huge difference in both the health of the future child and the ability to conceive. Did you know that many miscarriages are actually caused by DNA fragmentation from the sperm? They are not always due to the health of the egg or the woman. Men have a huge responsibility when it comes to fertility, especially when a couple is having a hard time conceiving or has recurrent miscarriages. When treating fertility, I like to treat both the man and the woman (with Acupuncture, herbs, diet, and supplements), because it exponentially increases the likelihood of conception.

2. It takes consistency

There are no quick fixes when it comes to issues of fertility. It takes approximately 3 months for both the egg and the sperm to grow and mature. You will need to be consistent and patient with regular Acupuncture (usually weekly). If there is low egg quality or abnormal sperm, you will need to wait for at least 3 months to see changes. Some people fall pregnant before this time is up, but it is more likely that it will take at least 3 months (and maybe longer for more complicated fertility issues). Acupuncture helps both the whole body to be healthier and also has the added benefit of calming down a stressed out nervous system. There is no such thing as wasted time getting regular Acupuncture. You will always come out of it a healthier version of yourself, as there are no negative side effects.

3. It takes active participation to see results

Diet and lifestyle matter. If you are loading up on junk food, not exercising, and living a stressful lifestyle, Acupuncture can only do so much. It cannot cancel out an unhealthy lifestyle. An unhealthy diet and lifestyle leads to unhealthy eggs and unhealthy sperm. Acupuncture is like water to tame and neutralize a fire, but you have to stop pouring gasoline (unhealthy diet and lifestyle) on the fire if you really want to put it out.

4. Have no fear, there are no needles “down there”

This is a big reason men tend to avoid Acupuncture for fertility, because they are afraid that the needles will be put into their genitals. Acupuncture points most commonly used for fertility are actually found on the abdomen, the back, the legs, or the arms. Think of your body like the electrical system in a house—you can switch on light by a flip of a switch across the room. Acupuncture works in a similar way. We can activate energy in the genitals by accessing points at different parts of the body. And, if an Acupuncturist ever makes you feel uncomfortable, find a new one! You should always leave the office feeling seen, cared for, and respected.

5. You don’t have to take herbs, but they will increase your likelihood of conception

Herbal medicine really shines in regards to fertility, especially when there are physiological issues preventing conception. Sometimes it takes a physical medicine to treat a physical problem. Herbs really help to regulate a woman’s cycle. I have yet to see a female patient in my clinic who did not have some sort of issue with her cycle whether it was cysts, cramping, fibroids, endometriosis, or just simply pms. This is the same for male fertility too—if there are issues with the sperm (usually seen on a semen analysis), herbs are very important for restoring fertility and improving healthy sperm parameters.