Tips on Implementing New Healthy Routines + Habits
Routines. Habits.
We all have ‘em.
Some good ones. And some bad ones.
But, I think we can all agree it can feel really hard and intimidating when trying to add in more healthy ones and get rid of the unhealthy ones.
So, here are some tips on implementing new healthy routines and habits:
Stack ‘em
Find a routine you do everyday, and then when you do that thing everyday, add on your new healthy habit at the same time. For example, everyday you brush your teeth…so, when you brush your teeth you could also drink a glass of water, or practice some neck stretches, or meditate for 10 minutes.
Reward yourself
Now this only works well, if you reward yourself with something healthy. no sweet treats!! We don’t want to add in another unhealthy habit in exchange for the good one. A good idea would be, if you make it one month doing this healthy habit everyday, you earn yourself a massage or a new book.
Check it off your list
Checking things off a list creates a dopamine response, which gives your brain positive reinforcement, which helps you be more disciplined when trying to create a new healthy habit. Print out a calendar or get a white board, and set up a grid where you can check off everyday when you do your new healthy habit. You can make it really pretty too if you are an aesthetics loving person like I am. You could also use gold stars. Alternatively, open up a note on your phone, and check off a box everyday you do that new healthy habit.
Set alarms on your phone to remind you
This can be done once daily, like reminding you to go for a walk or stretch your body…or you can set reminders throughout the day to drink another glass of water, take five deep breaths, get up and move around, etc.
Replace bad routines with good ones
Maybe you like to watch tv/movies before bed but then you feel overstimulated and are unable to get good quality sleep. Instead try reading a book (best if it’s a feel-good book or positive self-help book. sorry no murder mysteries or thrillers for this purpose!). Another good example is when people replace a cigarette with a carrot stick. You can try replacing something with something that has a similar muscle memory to create new neural pathways in your brain. If you’re trying to give up coffee, drink a hot cup of water instead. We don’t need it to feel the same, but we want to replace it with something that will actually benefit your body. Or if you’re not ready to give up coffee, try the stack ‘em method and always drink 16oz of water with it.
Here are some healthy habits to add into your routines:
drink more water
eat more fiber
get morning sunlight
stay off electronics an hour before bed
read more books
meditate daily
stretch your body
get more movement
eat more vegetables
get outside daily
eat regular protein
take herbs/supplements
eat breakfast