Acupuncture is a treatment rooted in Chinese medicine that has been around for thousands of years. It stimulates specific points on the body using thin needles to promote healing and stimulate the body’s own innate healing response.
Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure that uses small, sterilized (one-time-use) needles that prick the skin to induce the production of collagen and elastin. It is minimally invasive. It can help minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, acne scars, and large pores. It has very few side effects and a short recovery time. Learn more here
Herbal Medicine + Supplements
Herbal formulations have been utilized for thousands of years, and can be a very helpful addition to any treatment plan. We are trained in Chinese medicine and have learned over 400 different herbs. It can be used to treat anything from infertility to digestive issues to anxiety. Supplements are a newer modality but can be used to correct nutritional deficiencies and support the health of the body.
Cupping + Gua Sha
Cupping is much like the inverse of a massage—instead of pushing down on the muscles, we are creating suction which pulls up on the muscle, creating space for more blood flow and increased circulation. Both cupping and gua sha create something we call “sha” at the surface of the body. While it may look like a bruise, it is actually not—instead it’s pulling stagnated blood up to the surface of the body where the body can more easily control blood flow. The color that comes up is also used as a diagnostic—the darker the color, the deeper the stagnation and the slower the blood flow in that area. Cupping and gua sha are added on an as-needed basis onto Acupuncture sessions.
Nutrition is the number one thing to work on when looking to treat any health issues. Food can be used as either medicine or poison. It really is in our hands and in our control. This is why I created online nutrition courses, so you can take back control, learn everything you need to know in order to eat healthy, and start your healing path moving forward.
Fertility Support
Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and nutrition can be utilized to support fertility. I have created the following courses and ebooks to help support you in your fertility journey:
Fertility + Preconception Support Course
Fertility Supplements for Men E-book
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic Acupuncture utilizes thin needles used on various points on the face to increase collagen, promote blood flow, decrease inflammation, decrease lines and wrinkles, help with hyperpigmentation, acne, acne scars, and various other cosmetic concerns.
LED light therapy + Infrared heat therapy
LED light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes different wavelengths of infrared light to help treat various skin issues such as acne, fine lines, and wounds. Different LED wavelengths that show up as color have different benefits. Learn more about the colors here.
LED light therapy is included in cosmetic Acupuncture sessions and microneedling sessions.
Infrared heat therapy is used to treat muscle aches + pains, promote circulation, decrease inflammation, and promote healing. It is used as needed during Acupuncture sessions.
Initial Acupuncture session: $195
Follow-up sessions: $135
6 session package: $675 (buy 5 get 1 free)
Sessions include: individualized Acupuncture treatment, and may also include the following services on an as-needed-basis: cupping, guasha, infrared heat therapy, and/or herbal/supplement prescription (does not include the cost of herbs or supplements).
The initial acupuncture session includes an initial health intake which allows us to go through a full health history with questions and discussion, pulse reading, physical assessment, and acupuncture channel palpation.
Single microneedling session: $475
6 session package: $2375 (buy 5 get 1 free)
Add-ons: $45 for each extra area: face + neck (if coming in for scalp microneedling), scalp, the back of the hands, or upper chest
Sessions include: Microneedling or Nanoneedling of the [face + neck] or the [scalp], body Acupuncture, LED light therapy, and high quality all-natural skincare products.
*Recommended course of 1 treatment every 4-5 weeks for 4-6 times, then maintenance treatments every 2-3 months (or as needed).
Single cosmetic acupuncture session: $195
6 session package: $975 (buy 5 get 1 free)
Sessions include: Cosmetic facial Acupuncture, body Acupuncture, LED light therapy, facial guasha or massage, and high quality all-natural skincare products.
*Recommended course of 10-12 treatments for optimal results
Virtual Consultation: $135
approximately 45-60 minutes (does not include the cost of herbs + supplements)
Sessions include: We will spend time going over your full health history and I will prescribe an herbal supplement and/or other supplements that are individualized to your health needs. This service takes place via video chat.